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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Bottled Drinking Water Phenomenon
Maybe a strange tittle for an article but in order to understand this tittle you will have to read entire bottle drinking water article. I am almost sure you will find your self somewhere in these words. It is very much possible that you will find some information on bottled drinking water that you didn't know about.

It is interesting how our society has changed in last couple of years. When I was a kid there was no such thing as bottled drinking water. If you were going to buy something to drink the largest selection was soda. The toughest decision that had to be made was to purchase it in a returnable bottle or can. Now the market is filled with a variety of bottled drinking water in many interesting flavors. Amazing how things turned out. There are so many choices out there that people just get confused and in the end they are not sure if they are really buying product that they actually need.

1 free ice chest, 2 free cases of bottles

Do you use bottled drinking water? If the answer is yes then, according to NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) you belong to the half of American that also buy bottled drinking water. Bottled drinking water is four billion dollars worth business. People started buying bottled drinking water for various reasons. First of all many people hate the taste of tap water. Various studies confirmed that the drinking water supplies in certain regions may be contaminated. Those majestic glaciers and snow capped mountains lead us to believe that bottled drinking water is pure and safer to drink than tap water. If you check the NRDC’s website at NRDC you will see that this might not always be the case. Another reliable source on bottled drinking water is the WHO. For more information you can visit their website at WHO to get another point of view. Be careful when buying bottled drinking water. You might be buying regular tap water that has been bottled and then sold.

So why are people spending so much money on bottled drinking water? As I mentioned earlier some city tap water may smell bad and tastes funky. This reason would be enough for me right there. That is not the only reasons why people decide to buy bottled drinking water. It is convenient too. Check out how many people are carrying bottled drinking water around. It is everywhere. People have a bottle of water in their car, on their desks and they carry it to office meetings. Many companies have a break room where people can refill their water bottle. Bottled drinking water is and should always be an option to all caloric beverages. There has been much discussion the past few years about the contamination present in public water supplies. Bottled drinking water is just safer and purer than tap water. This is the reason why bottled drinking water companies are doing so well. Another reason why people choose to purchase bottled drinking water is awareness that they should consume plenty of fluids during the day. It is a scientific fact that you should consume a minimum of eight glasses a day. It is interesting to know that most diets include eight glasses of water per day. Just one more reason why you should drink this much water every day.

Walking down the street or in the mall you can see people carrying a bottled drinking water. When I go for a walk around the neighborhood I see other people with water bottle. It looks like our society is almost addicted to water bottles. But before you start making regular expenditures for bottled drinking water you may want to check out the brand. It is important that you make a research on a brand you are considering to consume great quantities of. for instance, has a very customer friendly website at where you can find answers to most if not all of your questions about this popular brand of bottled drinking water. Just check out the next label of water you considering to buy. Make sure if they have a website and just what type of information they provide to their costumers. If they don’t provide what you want to know, then I’d be checking out another brand, or just sticking with the tap water. If they don't provide any information you could be buying just regular tap water.

FREE month of service & FREE case of single serve bottles. Sign up now at for GREAT bottled water delivery for your home.

I hope that this article on bottled drinking water taught you something new. Don't go out there and buy bottled drinking water just because your neighbour bought it or anybody else for that matter. You have to think it over if you really need bottled drinking water and if you do, you have to choose wisely. Now you can carefully choose the bottled drinking water on-line. Don't forget to check the descent of bottled drinking water you intend to use, because sometimes you may just be buying tap water that has been bottled.

1 free ice chest, 2 free cases of bottles

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Published by Greg @ 1:35 PM  
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